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- ReArc, Re-Archive all your archives to 'proper' archive format
- Version 1.0, Jan 21st. 1991
- Mark Cassidy, Odense, DK - FIDO 2:230/130.18
- 1: I accept NO responsability for ANYTHING ReArc might do to your system,
- whether it coming from faulty use or a direct error in ReArc.
- Read this doc carefully before use, and you should be ok, I have had no
- problems in ReArc'ing 5MB of files in a single go.
- 2: You are allowed to copy this program ONLY if all files are included on the
- disk or archive and all copyright notices are left intact. No money may be
- accepted for copying ReArc, except for a copy fee.
- 3: If you decide to use ReArc and you come up with suggestions, bugs or the like
- then drop me a note and keep everyone happy :-)
- Enough - What IS this anyway ?
- Well, actually a quite simple program, but with an enormous effect:
- ReArc will process all your archive files and RePack them to LHA format
- archives, thus providing you with an efficient way to get rid of all those
- slow .LZH files and worse.
- ReArc operates in a VERY simple manner - No arguments needed/accepted. Just
- CD to the directory you wish to ReArc, enter 'ReArc' in the command-line, and
- away we go. During the process, ReArc will let you know what is happening, so
- you won't get nervous when, after 2-3 hours, ReArc still isn't finished.
- Yes!, 2-3 hours is NOT an unlikely figure, but YOU try doing the same job
- manually faster, and get back to me on that one.
- What can be gained ?
- Well, on LZH and ZIP files, no more than 2-6%, but I have seen ARC and ZOO
- files be cut with around 50%, so get with it.
- ~~~
- SYSOPS - USE THIS UTILITY. I Know it will take some effort from you, but
- in the spirit of user-friendliness - the idea is great. I sure would
- appreciate not having to dl a 150000 bytes ZOO archive when I could have
- downloadet a 75000 bytes .LHA archive. Also, keeping all files on a BBS
- stored with the same archiving method will help eliminating the use for those
- archives nobody uses anymore. (I hope I didn't insult any ZOO users out there)
- Last note: ReArc is safe. I, for one, did NOT want to see any of my archives
- be sent to the outer void. If you don't trust this (who would :-)), try it in
- a test-directory in order to familiarize you with it, and then: GO GET 'EM !!!
- Techs:
- Files recognized:
- Work Directory:
- T: - Warning, ALL data will be deleted from this directory, and
- you should NOT keep any important data there upon executing
- ReArc - They will be lost. Should the files be protected
- from deletion, however, they will remain - BUT BE INCLUDED
- IN ALL REARC'ED ARCHIVES. This can be useful, if you intend
- to include a poster-file for your BBS for instance.
- - Also note that some archives are too big - even for the
- mightiest RAM-Amigas, and so Assigning T: to disk/hd is a very
- good idea.
- - Last, Remember that if you assign T: to the disk you're
- ReArc'ing, ReArc will need lots of disk-space for work-
- buffers. Basically - ReArc IS a hd-util.
- Files needed in Path for optimal operation:
- Copy, Delete, Type, LHA, UNZIP, ZOO, ARC, UNARJ
- LhArc or LZ is NOT required, LHA is used to (un)pack the archive.
- Delete must be able to accept something like "Delete t:#? ALL QUIET",
- which I think both BCPL and ARP accepts. (I've tested ReArc with ARP)
- If any of the archivers/unarchivers are NOT present, ReArc will FAIL
- if it encounters an archive of that particular type; if not, ReArc will
- do ok.
- Arp.library Verison 39+ is also required.
- The ReArc.OMIT file:
- The file is a simple \n terminated list of filenames which should NOT
- be included in the ReArc'ed files. This is useful for deleting BBS-
- posters and the likes. I personally do not care for the ethics
- involved here, if you don't like the idea, just remove the ReArc.OMIT
- file.
- The file should be located in your S: directory in order to be found
- by ReArc (sorry, but too many problems otherwise due to the operation
- of many archivers).
- The ReArc.REPORT file:
- ReArc will generate a report in the current directory, which will be
- type at the end of operation. You can use this file (Don't know how)
- to update your Files.BBS listings or the like. If it seems to be a
- demand, I MAY create some utilities to alter these Files.BBS files,
- perhaps starting with a program for Paragon.
- I don't see why I should buy a 100$ dog for that damned baby!
- Mark Cassidy, 1992